To arrange an online demonstration of Netroomz please
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will be in touch with you to arrange a suitable time.
Netroomz is a fully functional website booking system with all the features you would expect, plus more. Here are some of the screenshots which will give you a grasp of what Netroomz is about to offer:
Main Administration Page
Main page which contains links to all your Booking engine operations
Detailed Administration Main Page
Main page in close up
Integrated Sales and Booking Chart
View your Hotel's revenues in real-time
Maintain Daily Allotment Page
Facility to manage your day-to-day room rates
Update Bulk Allotments
Rapid update features enables your Hotel to make updates in a single step
Stop Sell Allotments
Maintain Allotments in any given period of time
Update Hotel Information
Customize your Hotel's basic infomation
Edit Room Types
Individually update your rooms
Booking Reports
Have the information you need about a reservation on-the-fly